
Corporate Risk Management

Merkur Holding is a community of corporates which adopted progress and growth both in Turkey and in global as a principle. With Corporate Risk Management we aim to foresee the risks we might encounter and to eliminate those risks with the most effective way possible.

   In the most basic sense Corporate Risk Management provides early detection of risks, calculation of uncertainties, management and report of the risks and prevention mechanisms and this helps to take the necessary actions to ensure the sustainability of the corporates, continuity of stability, minimization of the financial volatility and the protection of reputation and trust among the market.
   With this text we emphasize the important points and what to know about Corporate Risk Management. As Merkur Holding starting from our Directorate, every employee of us has a share in our Corporate Risk Management Policy and everyone has a part on the detection of the risks.
  • Detection of present and possible risks and by that evaluating and following those risks to protect the present assets of the corporate and its future opportunities for growth,
  • To shape the Risk Management mechanism accordingly with the company’s corporate identity and its principles; regular checks of the mechanism and the decision’s applicability,
  • The arrangement of the Risk Management principles according to the risk-taking potential of the company and their application by the decision-makers,
  • Detection of the risks which are meant to be kept in-corporate and managed in and through that their acceptance or elimination,
  • To ensure compliance with necessary regulations and legislation,
  • To report risk analyses and possible scenarios

   Risk doesn’t just cover a firms’ financial losses or bankruptcy but it can also cover security and privacy risks, public health or environmental risks and a corporate should also be aware of these types of risks as well. The types of risks that we might encounter in our companies are listed as:

Financial Risks Financial Risks cover the exchange rate, credit, liquidity, cash management, interest rate and commodity related risks which might occur as a consequence of our companies’ financial responsibilities or the market movements.
Legal (Compliance) Risks Legal (Compliance) Risks cover the types of risks we might encounter related primarily to our company or our companies’ operations’ compliance to related laws, regulations and legislations and also in-law policies and ethical principles.
Operational Risks Operational Risks cover outside factors that affects operations directly like natural disasters, political and economic improvements but it also covers mistakes and neglects that is caused by in-law management mistakes or control hitches, the directorate’s or employees' inability to intervene on time.
Technological Risks Technological Risks cover the present or possible Information Technologies (IT) related issues, possible problems in communication systems and security& privacy related risks.
Brand Management Risks Brand Management Risks cover the possible income, customer or profit losses that may result from insufficient management of a corporate or a community of a corporate’s brands, titles or services and therefore the damage to the reputation of the brand itself.
Strategical Risks Strategical Risks cover the risks that might occur as a result of the corporate’s short and long-run goals which are directly linked to the facts like market, sector, management, market competition, programming, analysis, and technology.

   Corporate Risk Management helps to detect, prevent and avoid these types of risks but it also helps to create opportunities in the name of growth and progress by taking the necessary risks. As Merkur Holding we aim to protect our present corporate assets and to take the necessary risks for growth and progress with our Corporate Risk Management mechanism.
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